Welcome! We are a database consulting company offering software development services.
Our specialty is in the Oracle database product- DBA services, Database Development, SQL, PL/SQL.
We are located in Tallahassee, Florida and provide services to government agencies and private industry.
We are also well versed in web-enabling databases, and integrating your data to Google Maps.
Here are quick links to interesting projects we have done:
Online Text Tools - ReformatText.com
Convert text to other formats, transform text, reformat it, ...
Online CSV Conversion Tools
Convert CSV data to HTML, JSON, XML, SQL, ....
Word Scrambler - Can You Read This?
For fun - scramble letters in words and see if you can read the paragraph!
DDG Loan Tracking and Calculators at PrePayLoan.com
These are full function loan and mortgage tracking calculators, allowing you to record and save information about
principal prepayments, check #s, and dates. Handles "what-if" scenarios for prepayments also.
Find USTA Tennis Tournaments on a map at tournamentmaps.com
. See tournaments for all Sections (Florida, Southern, Texas, ...). This site uses Google Maps to show all USTA tennis
tournaments. Search by the month, week, Section, distance from a city. See National Schedule on USA map!
Florida Drivers License Generator/Decoder
Enter name and birthdate information and see what your Florida Drivers license number should be. Now Wisconsin Drivers License Generator/Decoder also.
Online Text Compare Tool
See the differences between two texts. Similar to windiff.
HTML Form Validation javascript library. No Programming Required!
Validate your forms with no programming experience necessary. Simply include this library and add one attribute to your form fields.
Latitude/Longitude Conversion
Convert latitude and longitude coordinates between decimal degrees and degrees, minutes, seconds.
Online Hex Dump
View hexadecimal ASCII/UTF-8 values for your input - same style as Unix hex dumps.